Step 1: Fill out Part A (which now requires that you upload your image and signature) and Part B (which now requires you to upload supporting documents) of the Online OCI Application, which is ONLY available online. NOTE: is only an informational website and is not associated with any government agency or Indian Mission where you submit your application. [See Sample Part A and Part B Form]


Step 2: Print your completed OCI Application


Step 3: For those individuals that were born in India and/or previously held Indian citizenship and are naturalized citizens of their current country, in addition to applying for your OCI card, you will need to complete the steps required for Renunciation of your Indian Citizenship (if you have not done so already).

Step 4: Follow the steps required by your local Embassy or Consulate to file the OCI application (and Renunciation Certificate, if applicable) along with the necessary supporting documents, fees and submittal form.

If you need more information or feel free to Contact Us with any questions.





An OCI card holder should take note of the following requirements for re-issuance of an OCI card at the time of issuance of a new passport:


     1) For an applicant who is 20 years of age or younger, OCI documents must be re-issued each time a new passport is issued.


     2) For an applicant who is 50 years of age or older, OCI documents must be re-issued once after the issuance of a new passport. NOTE: If you originally obtained your OCI when you were already over 50 years of age, you do not need to apply for a re-issuance of an OCI.


     3) For an applicant who is 21 to 49 years of age, there is no need to re-issue OCI documents each time a new passport is issued. However, if the applicant desires, he / she can request that the OCI documents be re-issued so that the OCI documents reflect the correct passport number.